We work to ensure a fair and equitable system that is accountable to the people.
We work to ensure that voter enfranchisement is protected.
We work to ensure the public understands and participates in government.
We work to ensure that every citizen utilizes their right to vote. We hope to engage voters and get them to actively participate at the local, state, and federal levels.
We engage in our work to make sure that every citizen can vote and that there are no barriers to full participation by all.
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Studies and Positions
Before members reach a position on an issue, it is essential that they have an opportunity to become informed. League studies give members an opportunity to examine the facts and discuss key points. The studies cited below are those done most recently. The links will take you to an online version of the full study.
This briefing examines the evolving interpretation of the Second Amendment, national and local firearm legislation, violence statistics, prevention practices and safety strategies. It concludes with ideas for improving Utah firearm laws and resident safety.
Read the Study HERE -
An update to past LWV Utah water studies. This report examines water uses in Utah focusing on Great Salt Lake and Colorado River Basin.
The purpose of this briefing is to inform League members about current and proposed legislation controlling ballot initiatives in Utah, and to consider whether the use of ballot initiatives to chart policy leads to good government.
Read the study HERE -
An in-depth look at Utah legislative bills from 1975-2020 and how they affect a woman’s right to health care decisions.
Read the study HERE
The Transfer of Public Lands Movement is an educational study that explores how the U.S. public lands came to be and what they provide both economically and culturally, and the consequences to the future of these lands and public access to them, if the Transfer of Public Lands Movement succeeds.
Read the study HERE -
This study aims to empower League members to advocate for clean energy solutions and equip them with the tools to take action. The ultimate goal is to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change and help create a sustainable future.
Read the Study HERE
We began our research with concern for the future of Utah farming and ranching and whether it will be a viable occupation in the future, and with skepticism about resident’s hopes for food sustainability and the ability to grow enough food to sustain a growing population. Not all the information sought was found, but you will see data on crops and animal products, agriculture industry’s contribution to the state economy, challenges to the future of farming and ranching, and strategies for preserving agriculture.
Read the study HERE
This briefing explored the various waste management methods, with a spotlight on recycling along Utah's Wasatch Front. Local recyclers are facing the growing challenge of finding new markets for their materials. Additionally, waste managers are grappling with contamination—the mixing of recyclables with non-recyclable items—which complicates the recycling process and reduces its efficiency.
Read the briefing HERE
1. The League of Women Voters believes Ranked Choice Voting could be a fair and representative election system in Utah.
2. The League believes that Ranked Choice Voting would give more voters a larger voice throughout election campaigns and in the selection of final winners in the voting process.
3. The League supports Ranked Choice Voting and believes it could be a better option than the current system.
Read the Study HERE