Community Leaders

President:  Terri McCulloch
President Elect:  Arlene Anderson
Vice-President:  Tirzah Fields, Tammi Ryan
Vice-President:  Anne Freimuth
Vice-President:  Karen Thurber
Secretary:  Berkley Barlow and Siera Green
Treasurer:  Prasanna Reddy
Communications:  Arlene Anderson, Berkley Barlow, Tammi Ryan

Advisory Board Members: Denise Green, Marcia Harris, Vicky Heithaus, Marie Kawaguchi, Donna Kimball, Carole Lapine, Marilyn O'Dell, Rebecca Robley, Marcia Thomas, and Barbara Wachocki 

On February 3 the League of Women Voters launched a national portal for membership. This important change will help the league grow as we centralize the ability to join any League. The link below will take you to the LWV of Weber County join and renew entry.

The suggested join rate is $75, but you may choose your amount to a minimum of $20. You may also add a donation that will go directly to LWV of Weber County.

If you prefer, make your check payable to the LWV of Weber and mail it to 5974 Sharon Circle, Ogden, UT 84403 along with your name, phone, address, and email.

The League of Women Voters is organized at the national (LWVUS), state (LWVUT), and local levels, in parallel with the levels of organization of government. Our volunteers work year-round to register new voters, host community forums and debates, and provide voters with election information they need. We engage at the local and state levels on legislative priorities and efforts to improve our elections.