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league ID: UT017

Community Leaders

President:  Terri McCulloch
Vice-President:  Linda Mitchell
Vice-President:  Anne Freimuth
Vice-President:  Karen Thurber
Secretary:  Marcia Thomas
Treasurer:  Prasanna Reddy
Communications:  Arlene Anderson, Berkley Barlow, Tammi Ryan
Board Members: Marcia Harris, Marilyn O'Dell, Carole Lapine

Join or renew your membership to the League of Women Voters of Weber County.

  • Membership is pay what you can. The suggested amount is $47.

  • We always welcome donations to help sponsor another member or fund some of our activities.

  • Student membership is free.

  • You will be redirected to Stipe secure payment platform once your information is entered below.

If you prefer, make your check payable to the LWV of Weber and mail it to 5974 Sharon Circle, Ogden, UT 84403 along with your name, phone, address, and email.

The League of Women Voters is organized at the national (LWVUS), state (LWVUT), and local levels, in parallel with the levels of organization of government. Our volunteers work year-round to register new voters, host community forums and debates, and provide voters with election information they need. We engage at the local and state levels on legislative priorities and efforts to improve our elections.